Behavioral Health Provider Representation
Addiction be a painful experience for individuals and their loved ones. In many cases, the addict is unaware of the negative consequences of their addiction and thus leave their families with little opportunity to find help or treatment.
This firm is dedicated towards helping families locate the ideal treatment centers to care for their loved one. Our practice centers around the best interests of the client, to help find remedies for their substance abuse disorder and provide their families with resources and knowledge on how to better understand these
disorders. You do not have to go through this difficult process alone. Years of experience as a passionate advocate in the mental health system have equipped me with first-hand knowledge on how to navigate the complex process of finding the right treatment for your loved one.
A substantial portion of our mental health practice is dedicated to providing representation to hospitals, community based mental health providers and networks, as well as individual licensed mental health practitioners.
We represent numerous health care organizations and professionals addressing the fast paced and complex mental health legal issues. The combined education, training and experience of attorneys in the mental health law practice of Frazer, Ryan, Goldberg & Arnold exceeds 100 years.
From our representation of hospital groups to individual therapists, we consistently receive questions from clients who want to guarantee compliance with ever-changing privacy regulations, mental health regulations, and compliance issues. We take pride in our prompt consultation in emergency situations, and timely advice.
In addition to ongoing representation, we regularly provide representation in legal proceedings when necessary to protect the interests of our professional clients. Further, using a century of practice in the mental health arena, our office provides staff training on whatever issues may arise during practice.